You can always add apps to your whitelist again at a later date. We recommend that you go through all of the programs and disable any apps that you believe are unnecessary. Right-click on the program and select Disable.From the Startup tab of the Task Manager, pick out a program that, for example, has a high startup impact.To stop a program from starting with Windows 10, do the following: Stop a Program from Starting with Windows 10 Now, you will be able to view every program that starts up when you launch Windows 10.Click on More details in the bottom-left corner of the window.You can also click on your keyboard’s Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys and the Task Manager will open.

A long list of options will appear, select Task Manager.

Right-click on an empty spot anywhere on your Task Bar.This is the most popular method for viewing programs that launch with Windows 10. How to View a List of Startup Programs in Windows 10 Using Task Manager